
GMN #2 Gets Filed Under Other

YaY! Nice comments about GMN #2 from reviewer Shannon Smith. He is the voice of mini-comic wisdom at File Under Other.

Shannon says, "Like Episode 1 before it, Good Minnesotan Episode 2 is an example of how great a fine hand crafted minicomic can be. This book is a truly beautiful thing to read, look at and hold. The first issue was really strong and the second improves upon that good start.

If you, my file under other reading pal, have not been able to hold an issue of Good Minnesotan in your hands then you really should make the effort. As I always say, the computer scans can't do the book justice. It is simply a beautifully crafted minicomic anthology that needs to be held in your hands to be appreciated."

To find out which GMN #2 comic story was his favorite and other opinions of interest read the entire review here. THANK YOU, Shannon!

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