
Scott Stulen's Multiples Mall: Epilogue

Scott Stulen, the Project Director for mnartists.org at the Walker Art Center, posted a Multiples Mall: Epilogue on the Walker blog.

In his epilogue, Scott included 9 photos and a written overview of his experiences of the day. It looks to me like the crowd shots were taken in the first 5 minutes of the fair before anyone had arrived yet! Over the course of the Multiples Mall 5 hour run 1200+ people attended the event.

Raighne and I managed to get into 3 of the 9 photos! One of the photos is a close up shot of us at our table thanks to Raighne's ingenius diarama, which Scott loved. Thanks, Scott!
Thanks to:
Sarah Peters
Scott Stulen
Walker Art Center
Rain Taxi
and to all of the book artists that participated with us in the Multiples Mall.

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