
MicroCon, mini-reviews+Yearbooks

Yearbooks is off to the printer! We are so thrilled (and exhausted)!

So, MicroCon is this Sunday? Crikey! Yes, MicroCon is indeed this Sunday at the Minnesota State Fair Grounds
Progress Center
1621 Randall Ave
St. Paul, MN 55108

We will be represented there by Justin and quite possibly myself (raighne here). If I am ambitious I will have a preview of Yearbooks on hand. We'll see on that one.

On Rob Clough's High-Low site there is a new review of Me and Meghan's mini's. In the review , Rob says: "Both of these minis are beautiful, weird art objects". Thanks Rob!

There is a lot more to say and show here, but I have run out of time. Sorry folks! New post soonish!

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