
Postcards for Tiny Bits + MCBA Book Arts Fest

Here are postcards for tiny bits and the MCBA Book Arts Fest. Raighne will have 5 original comic artworks from his upcoming mini-comic Beard Growing Contest on display at the tiny bits show. We will also be selling Raighne's mini-comic, and our GOOD MINNESOTAN comics and buttons at the opening.

Raighne and I won't be at the MCBA Book Arts Fest because we have to be at our regular jobs, but Justin Skarhus and his awesome girlfriend Sarah will be there selling Raighne's new mini, our GMN books and buttons. I wish we could be there personally. We tried to get into the MCBA Book Art Fest before but it was invite only. I was so happy when they changed that this year. It's hard to find enough local comic/book fest events to sell at.

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